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Program Foundation

At Northwest Missouri State University, we’re committed to preventing violence of all types. Engage is a violence prevention initiative that focuses primarily on reducing power-based personal violence (stalking, sexual assault, dating violence, etc) through education and prevention efforts that raise awareness and develop intervention skills.

As the primary violence prevention efforts on campus, Engage uses bystander intervention and overviews, workshops, small and large-scale events, action weeks and campaigns, and on-the-ground interaction and collaboration to create a holistic violence prevention program. We believe that together, we can create a positive culture change that revolves around two guiding principles:

  1. Violence (in all forms) is not tolerated on our campus or in our community.
  2. No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.

Mission: Engage will provide a safe and secure campus environment and culture for all students, staff, and faculty to thrive in through education and prevention efforts. Continued commitment to the belief that everyone deserves to live free of violence or fear is essential to shifting cultural norms.

Vision: Reducing violence; Everyone does something.

engage training

Looking for a quick and easy way to learn more?

Register for Engage training to learn the basics of recognizing the signs of power-based personal violence and how to be an effective bystander to prevent violence from happening on our campus and in our community. Violence is not tolerated at Northwest Missouri State University and everyone on our campus is expected to do their part.

Workshops cover a variety of content from consent and healthy relationship factors to power dynamics and recognizing warning signs. Workshops will change throughout the semester.

Engage training Registration

Request a Workshop/Overview/Speaker

Working towards a campus that is violence-free takes everyone doing something. For student leaders, use the link below to request any overviews/workshops or speakers for your organization or group. No matter the event or the time, any request can be tailored to your student group.

For faculty and staff, request any trainings or speakers below for your team, class, or event. If you are planning to miss a class or organization for whatever reason, feel free to reach out to request a workshop/overview to give your students a chance to learn about how to be an active bystander and make campus a safer place. Reach out to Suzanne Von Behren ( for any clarification or questions.

Make a Request!

Conduct Reporting

Northwest Missouri State aims to be a campus that is reducing violence where everyone does something. To help make this happen, our Student Code of Conduct clear outlines what is and is not acceptable. Use the links below to gain more information as well as submit informational reports, misconduct reports, or concerning behavior reports.

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